How can I become a part of the ministry of MTM?
We are praying and looking for qualified servants who have a heart for God, a blameless testimony, and a desire to minister among the Military. We know that academics is an important factor in service, for we teach what we know, but more importantly, we reproduce what we are! Not great talents, but great likeness to Christ is of the greatest consequence in helping others to a meaningful life.
If the Lord should burden your heart for this ministry, we would love to hear from you. If you are currently in the Military and wish to be involved in this ministry, please contact us.
How can my church or, how can I, support MTM?
What is the MTM Discipleship Program?
What is your relationship to other missionary agencies?
What is your connection with a local church?
Are your missionaries serving as chaplains in the military?
What is a Military Christian Center?
What is Missions To Military?
How can my church or, how can I, support MTM?
The Apostle Paul expressed his request to the church at Ephesus by describing the real opposition that he faced in accomplishing the ministry in that city. Ephesians 6:12, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places.” Therefore, verse 18, “pray for us…” The major emphasis of our ministry is spiritual warfare. Rescuing a young soldier, sailor, or marine from a debauched life of alcohol, immorality, drugs, homosexuality, and purposelessness is a work of divine grace. We are only channels through which the life-giving Word of God can flow. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God.” Romans 10:17. Pray for us. Thank you!
Since the total financial support of this ministry is through churches and concerned individuals, we invite YOU to partner with us in this missionary endeavor. Obeying the Great Commission of Jesus Christ is the greatest privilege and challenge for the Christian today. We would rejoice if you would join us in an effort to Win and Train the Military for Jesus Christ. Your gift is tax deductible and we believe it is an investment for eternity. Jesus said in Matthew 6:19-21, “Lay not up for yourselves treasures upon the earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt, and where thieves break through and steal: But lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal: For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.”
What is the MTM Discipleship Program?
The MTM Discipleship Program is a graduated Bible study program to help servicemen and women become scripturally grounded in their faith in Christ. The program is designed to help young believers be able to give a defense of their faith and become effective “fishers of men.” The average person who applies him/her self, can complete the course in approximately two years. In this time, he/she will memorize many Scripture verses, read various excellent Christian books, and be challenged to live godly lives aboard their ships or in their barracks. The steadfast pursuit in the Discipleship Program will be one of the greatest spiritual challenges they have faced! Pray for the MTM Missionaries as they help young believers through this life-changing learning process.
What is your relationship to other missionary agencies?
Missions To Military, Inc. has been a member of the Fellowship Of Missions since 1992. FOM is an organization made up of 27 independent missionary agencies that represent 2,000 missionaries, serving on six continents. The purpose of FOM is for collaborative interaction, mutual accountability, ministry development, and spiritual encouragement. We, in FOM, have a commitment to the Word of God and its proclamation to every nation.
What is your connection with a local church?
Because the founder and director of MTM was also a church planter and a pastor, there is a close biblical and philosophical relationship between the church and MTM as a missionary outreach of the church. All of the staff belong to Bible-believing churches and we encourage every serviceman and woman to become involved in a good church. Our prayer has been that many to whom we daily minister will one day be pastors, missionaries, deacons, Sunday School teachers, etc. OUR PURPOSE STATEMENT is 2 Timothy 2:1-2, “Thou, therefore, my son, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus. And the things that thou hast heard of me among many witnesses, the same commit thou to faithful men, who shall be able to teach others also.”
Are your missionaries serving as chaplains in the military?
No, our missionaries, who serve in each of our Centers, are sent and supported by churches as any other missionary. We are not regulated, sponsored, or supported as a government agency, so consequently, we are free to minister without political or religious restrictions. We are glad to assist and work with the Chaplains wherever possible. The permanency of a Center and staff allows us to provide unselfish support to the Chaplain and his multifaceted responsibilities. Our Discipleship Program has been especially useful to the Chaplains as they seek to establish young Christians.
What is a Military Christian Center?
The concept of a Military Christian Center was developed early in WWII and evolved somewhat as a USO, but with a thorough Christian emphasis. The doors of a Center are open to all active Military personnel. Through the years, many have identified the Center as a “home-away-from-home.” Our facilities are free, the counseling by our competent staff is free, and the food is free. The question is often asked, “Why do you care?” The bottom line is that the truth of John 3:16 has changed our lives and we believe that, if God so loved us, we ought to love others.
What is Missions To Military?
Legally, Missions To Military, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) religious, non-profit corporation, founded in 1958. It is governed by a Board of Directors who serve gratuitously.
Spiritually, Missions To Military is a baptistic faith missionary agency, designed to daily minister freely to the social and spiritual needs of active Military personnel.
Objectively, this specialized ministry is to the men and women in the armed forces of the U.S. and other countries. The base of our ministry is a Military Christian Center which is located in proximity of a major Military base. Although there is variation, the Centers are open six days a week to accommodate the irregular duty hours of the Military men and women. Our staff have access to the bases for visitation, but word of mouth by those who attend the Center is our best advertisement.
Financially, Missions To Military is supported by Bible-believing churches and individuals, who are concerned about the welfare of our Military. For more than fifty (50) years, God has graciously provided for the facilities; for the expenses of the operation of the Military Christian Centers; and for the Missionaries who serve in each Center located in the United States and overseas. Being a faith ministry, we daily pray for new partners to join us in this wonderful missionary endeavor. All gifts to Missions To Military are tax-deductible.