
Donate Monetarily

Have you ever thought of the military of our nation and our world as part of the mission field?

When you give to Missions to Military, your gift helps us reach thousands of men and women in uniform with the life-changing gospel of Jesus Christ. Every gift makes a difference. 
Here are a few ways you can give:

  • Support a missionary—Our missionaries raise their own support so they can devote all of their time and effort to serving our military. Consider supporting one of our missionaries on a monthly basis individually or through your church. 
  • Give to our Military Christian Centers—Our centers provide free meals, transportation, Bible studies, and overnight accommodations to men and women in the military and to their families. Your gift helps cover the cost of these opportunities so we can continue to provide our programs and services to servicemen and women at no charge.
  • Designate estate gifts—If God has laid it on your heart to designate an estate gift to MTM, we can use your gift to accomplish larger projects such as building or maintaining our facilities.

Would you consider joining us in this vital mission?